Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars’ innovative design includes many unique features that bring a fresh perspective to the fantasy RTS genre, incorporating majority of standard RTS-model features, and presenting the game experience in persistent MMO environment.
Innovative MMORTS Approach
Wage war with neighboring regions or complete countless hours of quests as you unveil the dark secrets of Mythador while managing a persistent kingdom and economy with thousands of other players. Socialize, trade, forge alliances and – best of all – battle against other players across the world, defeat their armies, and burn their towns!
Multiple Games Modes
Two additional singleplayer modes – including open-ended World Conquest mode – Kingdom Wars, and content-packed single-player Skirmish mode with both Lay Siege and Castle Defense maps – guaranteed to satisfy players of various tastes and gameplay styles.
Three Distinct Races & Styles of Gameplay
Dawn of Fantasy features three distinct civilizations: Elves, Orcs and Men, presenting a unique approach to these iconic races with three distinct styles of gameplay. Each race is complete with its own lore, language, world region and terrain, dozens of distinct units and buildings, hundreds of unique technologies, and each even has a different approach to RTS economy and building style.
Fully 3D Dynamic World Map
Travel the MMORTS world using a beautifully-designed 3D World Map featuring scale replicas of all the NPC strongholds, quest areas, and the player’s homeland.
Original Base Building Approach
Each player’s Stronghold features hundreds of buildings that look and behave like a City-Simulation game, but without any micro-management, giving the player more time to spend on the battlefield. In addition each race offers a different approach to building strongholds – the Elves build high up in their great trees, Men build on organized plots, and Orcs build anywhere within their homeland region.
Stunning Siege Combat
User-friendly Siege-oriented gameplay adds a whole new dimension to the battlefield as you ram the enemy gate, scale the walls, and place automated defensive systems, such as: stone tippers, boiling oil, and wall-mounted catapults.
Complex Economic Model with Corpse Looting
Combines the complexity of nearly a dozen gathering possibilities, different for each race, with automated simplicity, allowing players the options to micromanage their economy, or leave it to run itself in times of war.
Realistic Weather and Season Change
The gaming world comes alive as you build and battle during winter or summer months, as you push your armies through heavy rain or snow storms. Your economy significantly changes from summer to winter, when different strategic options are available during different times of day and severe weather makes certain units useless.
The majority of in-game text within Dawn of Fantasy has been localized into English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish. Where text hasn’t been translated it is displayed in English. Voiceovers and unit response dialogues have been localized into English, French and German.
Powerful yet easy use World Editor
The Dawn of Fantasy editor is more powerful than the majority of RTS editors on the market today. Powerful, yet easy-to-use thanks to the Advanced/Basic design mode innovation. Powered by unrivalled Lua scripting capabilities, the world editor offers anyone to turn their creative ideas into reality with the same tools used by the official scenario designers.
Languages: EN/FR/DE/IT/ES/PL
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